Bad Career Advice Books for Your Startup [Comic] | Toggl Blog
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Bad Career Advice Books for Your Startup [Comic]

Post Author - Emma Murray Emma Murray Last Updated:

Looking for great books to help advance your career? Do you want help transforming into a productivity machine? Well then look further my friend, because these books will probably not help. But if you want a little bad advice, look no further…

Bad Career Advice Books For Your Startup comic

This comic was created by Elizabeth Pich, half of the talent behind War and Peas.

Although it can be fun to offer bad career advice (please see above), good advice can be preferable on occasion. We’re always on the lookout for tips and tricks that’ll help make work more efficient and enjoyable.

Since we’re a fully remote company and most of us work from home, we think a lot about how to maintain efficiency in an environment that offers up a multitude of distractions. We’ve found there are 5 nearly universal things that help maintain and even improve efficiency when we work from home:

  1. Setting up a routine
  2. Making use of no distractions
  3. Setting boundaries
  4. Finishing your work with an idea of what comes next
  5. Don’t disconnect from your team.

If you don’t understand the rules of working from home, your productivity will slip into chaos very, very quickly. Take this example: a while ago we had Ian Wright do a guest post on how and why his first home business failed. The list of what went wrong is long, but does have a clear common theme – the home business failed because of his lack of distinction between work and domestic spaces.

Career advice is great but what about more comics?

If you’re a frequent traveler, you may want to check out our guide to using lifehacking (aka common sense) to make your airport experience 250% more pleasant. We’ve also used dinosaurs to explain the different issues freelancers deal with when working with clients.

We’ve also done an epic piece about how the world might be a little different if it were created by a programmer. If that sort of thing is your jam, you may also enjoy The Unicorn Startup Simulator – a highly realistic, deeply immoral game about life in the gritty startup scene of Silicon Valley.

We’ll also keep doing these comics, so like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram if you want these delivered directly to your eyeballs! We also post on LinkedIn if you’re going to pretend you’re doing work.

If you have any ideas for the next one, let us know where it says “Comments.”

Emma Murray

Emma Murray makes content and content and even more content. She believes everyone has a few good words in them. She also does photojournalism here:

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